In the last few days the news channels are filled with news of the JNU incident in which allegedly some students shouted a few slogans that were supposed to be anti India. The student wing of BJP, ABVP started agitations against this. The ruling government got Delhi Police to arrest JNU student leader Kanhaiya Kumar and book him under sedition charges. Delhi Police that reports directly to the home ministry raided the hostels of JNU students.
It should be noted that Jawaharlal Nehru University is one of the best University in the country. Only students with exceptional merit make it to the University. The video footage shows that Kanhaiya Kumar was not at all involved in the incident. He did not raise any anti India slogans. A video of a speech given by him showS him saying that "He believes in the constitution of India", the video is not anti India at all, it is pro India.
In reality RSS and BJP has used this incident as an opportunity to try and subvert the Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression granted by our constitution. What happened after that was even more ugly. When Kanhaiya Kumar was brought before the court. Some pro BJP lawyers stormed in the courtroom and beat up JNU students and media. A BJP MLA of Delhi O.P Sharma beat up a student alleging that he used the words "Pakistan Zindabad". Even journalists covering the incident were beaten up and abused.
They repeated the incident the next day in spite of heavy police security. None of the rioters were arrested. This is a very ugly situation in the country where the ruling government is using its resources to terrorise students most of whom are innocent.
Yes it is true that if someone has given anti Indian slogans and tried to incite people into anti India activities, against such person action must be taken in accordance to the law of the land. But using it as an excuse to terrorise innocent students and public is a grave crime as well.
It is very much possible that the ruling government is doing this hide its own failures. An effort is being made to introduce an environment of hyper-nationalism in the country where opposing government's action can lead one to be tagged as anti national.
One more very vital news that is being suppressed in the media due to the JNU incident is the massive increase in the amount of NPAs of nationalised banks, the defaulters are billionaire corporates. Already in tune of Rs 1,14,000 crore of debt has been waived off. The profitability of nationalised banks have come down. In fact just a few days ago IDBI showed huge net loss of Rs 2,184 crore in the 3rd quarter- highest ever by a nationalised bank.
Ordinary people of India have their lifelong savings in this banks which are happily waving off the huge corporate debts under instructions and pressure from the central government.
One just hopes that The Supreme Court of India and President of India take some action and restore sanctity in the country. I am confident that democrary will win.
It should be noted that Jawaharlal Nehru University is one of the best University in the country. Only students with exceptional merit make it to the University. The video footage shows that Kanhaiya Kumar was not at all involved in the incident. He did not raise any anti India slogans. A video of a speech given by him showS him saying that "He believes in the constitution of India", the video is not anti India at all, it is pro India.
In reality RSS and BJP has used this incident as an opportunity to try and subvert the Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression granted by our constitution. What happened after that was even more ugly. When Kanhaiya Kumar was brought before the court. Some pro BJP lawyers stormed in the courtroom and beat up JNU students and media. A BJP MLA of Delhi O.P Sharma beat up a student alleging that he used the words "Pakistan Zindabad". Even journalists covering the incident were beaten up and abused.
They repeated the incident the next day in spite of heavy police security. None of the rioters were arrested. This is a very ugly situation in the country where the ruling government is using its resources to terrorise students most of whom are innocent.
Yes it is true that if someone has given anti Indian slogans and tried to incite people into anti India activities, against such person action must be taken in accordance to the law of the land. But using it as an excuse to terrorise innocent students and public is a grave crime as well.
It is very much possible that the ruling government is doing this hide its own failures. An effort is being made to introduce an environment of hyper-nationalism in the country where opposing government's action can lead one to be tagged as anti national.
One more very vital news that is being suppressed in the media due to the JNU incident is the massive increase in the amount of NPAs of nationalised banks, the defaulters are billionaire corporates. Already in tune of Rs 1,14,000 crore of debt has been waived off. The profitability of nationalised banks have come down. In fact just a few days ago IDBI showed huge net loss of Rs 2,184 crore in the 3rd quarter- highest ever by a nationalised bank.
Ordinary people of India have their lifelong savings in this banks which are happily waving off the huge corporate debts under instructions and pressure from the central government.
One just hopes that The Supreme Court of India and President of India take some action and restore sanctity in the country. I am confident that democrary will win.