Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Arvind Kejriwal's letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

This is Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal's letter to the Prime Minister. 

I sincerely hope that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other parliamentarians will listen to Arvind's request and hand over Delhi Police's control to Delhi Government. 

The Delhi Police Commissioner seems to have no shame whatsoever.

The following is the English translation of this letter:

Respected Mr Narendramodiji,

Namaskar(Hello)! A few days ago. A girl in Delhi was murdered, she was stabbed 32 times. Allegation is that few men used to tease her. I and Manish (Sisodia) went to meet the family members of the girl. We met the people of that area. We went to the nearby by lanes. People were very scared over there. They said that they cannot get the sight of police in the nearby area. 

This kind of incidences are increasing in Delhi. The law and order situation has collapsed. Especially women are feeling insecure. 

With folded hands I want to make this appeal to you, Sir you know very well that Delhi Police is not under the direct control of Delhi Government. By law , Delhi Police comes under you and you are not able to spare time for it at all since you are the Prime Minister of the nation, you have to take care of the entire nation. That's why Delhi Police is completly off the hook . No one is controlling it. 

Sir , it is not that all police officers are bad. There are good people in Delhi Police as well. But their system is very bad and they themselves are sad. 

Sir , I have small and polite request to you. Either you must spare one hour a week for the law and order situation of Delhi, make Delhi Police answerable. Meet the people of Delhi or hand over the control of Delhi Police to us. We along with the public will rectify the system of Delhi Police. 

And one more thing, the place where Meenakshi was murdered , Anand Parvat. People over there are very scared. Please make sufficient arrangements of police force over there. Thank you very much.

Arvind Kejriwal

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Aam Aadmi Canteens

While most political parties are busy giving out doles to corporates. Delhi's Aam Aadmi Party's government has decided to launch a string of Aam Aadmi Canteens that would provide people good food at very low cost. Meals would be available for as low as Rs 5 or Rs 10.

This shows that if you give votes to people with clean and right intent, they will do good work for you. While the previous Delhi governments pilfered away thousands of crores of rupees , which ultimately went into the pockets of few thousand corrupt people , the government of Delhi on one hand has stopped corruption, while on the other hand has taken initiatives for public welfare.

After increasing the education budget by 106% and increasing the health budget by 46%. The Delhi government started Moholla clinics , followed by the announcements of launch of Aam Aadmi Canteens. The fact should be noted that  48% of Delhi's population lives in jhuggis so the Aam Aadmi Canteen is a blessing to them. Also street food is not hygenic and can cause lots of diseases. So the Aam Aadmi Canteen is boon for those people who consume street food.

The idea of the Aam Aadmi Canteen has come from the Tamilnadu's example of of success of Amma's Canteen. This also shows that if the government has clean intentions then public would be happy. 

Narendra Modi, when he was the CM of Gujrat gave thousands of acres of land near Kandla port to Adani group at a throwaway price of Re 1 to Rs 32 per sq meter. The Adanis made hundreds of crores from that deal by leasing the same land to other organisations at much higher prices. The Reliance Group was given the gas wells at KG basin, and they are charging India $ 4.34 for every mmBTU of the gas they extract. The highest rate in the world , while extracting gas from the same well costs less than $1 per mm BTU. 

While corrupt governments give benefits to crony corporates. The AAP government of Delhi has given the benefits to the common people and needy people.

Its all about changing the way politics is done in the country. Politics need not be dirty. When politics is done with clean intentions , it can be the highest form of social service. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

1984 Sikh Riots - Jagdish Kaur's description

First of all note that this particular post is not written by me but it is taken from a genuine wall post. It was initially shared by Arvind Kejriwal more than a year and half ago during his first tenure as the CM of Delhi. Facebook posts are lost in time and difficult to get back.

Jagdish Kaur is one of the victims and eye witness to 1984 massacre. She came to my house a few days back. Listening to her story was heart rending. Manish Sisodia recounts our meeting with her -
” 72 वर्षीय जगदीश कौर जब यह बात कह रही थीं तो मुझे(मनीष सिसोदिया) लगा कि शायद अब रो देंगी... लेकिन नहीं, 1984 के दंगों के बाद से इन्साफ के लिए लड़ते लड़ते उनकी आँखों के आंसू शायद अब सूख चुके हैं ...आगे की आपबीती जगदीश कौर जी ने कुछ यूँ सुनाई -----“ये नाग हैं, पूरे देश को बेच देंगे, किसी को नहीं छोड़ेंगे.... मैं मरने से नहीं डरती... दुनिया की किसी अदालत में जाना पड़े लेकिन छोडूंगी नहीं..... मेरे पति और जवान बेटे को मेरे सामने मारा था इन्होंने... “मेरे तो पिता स्वतंत्रता सेनानी... थे, हम तो कांग्रेसी थे, पक्के वाले... जब ये मेरे हसबैंड को मारने लगे तो मैंने कहा था इनको कि इंदिरा गांधी तो हमारी भी नेता थीं, हमें भी बहुत दुःख हो रहा है... लेकिन वो नहीं माने.. मेरे पति को वहीं मार दिया, बड़ा बेटा भागा तो उसको भी मेरे सामने ही आग लगा दी.... मुझे उसे बचाने भी नहीं दिया... मेरी आँखों के सामने..,”“ छोटे बच्चों को पड़ोस के पंडित जी के घर छिपाकर मैं पुलिस के पास भागी... वहां दरोगा बोला – अभी तो और मरेंगे.. मैं वापस आई तो ये लोग पंडित को भी मारने पहुँच गए, क्योंकि उसने हमें शरण दी थी..... हम वहां से भाकर वापस अपने घर आ गए.... बच्चों को मैंने छत पर छिपा दिया.. पूरी रात मैं कभी बेटे की बाड़ी के पास बैठती तो कभी हसबैंड की बाड़ी के पास बैठ जाती... अगले दिन मैं फिर पुलिस चौकी गई.. वहां पर तो प्लानिंग बन रही थी... दरोगा, दंगाइयों को कह रहा था कि तुम पहले पहुँचो, हंगामा करो, मैं पीछे से आता हूँ... मैं वहां से भागी... एक पुलिस की गाडी खड़ी थी.. मैं वहां पहुंची...मैंने कहा अब तो बचा लो, अब तो बहुत मर गए... तभी भीड़ वहां आ गई... पीछे से सज्जन कुमार आया, उसने पुलिस की जीप में लगा माइक लेकर आवाज़ लगानी चालू कर दी.. एक भी सिख नहीं बचना चाहिए...फिर वो पुलिस के साथ ही बैठकर चला गया... मैं दौड़कर वापस घर पहुंची...... घर में दो बच्चे छिपे थे, दो लाशें पड़ी थीं... मैं रोती रही...घर के बाहर मेरे भाई को, उनके बेटों को भी जला दिया था...वहां पहुंची तो पुलिस वाला, उनसे (दंगाइयों से) पूछ रहा था.. कितने मुर्ग भूने आज? .. दो दिन तक .....यहाँ से वहां, भागती रही.. लेकिन कोई ये कहने वाला नहीं मिला कि तेरे बच्चों को हम बचा लेंगे... रात भर गोलियां चलती थीं.... तीसरे दिन पडोसी त्यागी जी आये, डरते ... उनके साथ मिलकर मैंन घर के सोफे को तोड़ा, ... जो थोड़ा बहुत और फर्नीचर था उसको तोड़ा और अपने पति और बेटे के लिए चिता बनाई... दो दिन से पड़ी लाशों का अंतिम संस्कार मैंने अपने घर में ही कर दिया...”“.......मैं कह रही हूँ कि मैंने देखा और कोर्ट कह रहा है कि सबूत नहीं है...छोडूंगी नहीं मैं इन्हें, चाहे दुनिया कि जिस अदालत में जाना पडेगा...”मैं और अरविंद, स्तब्ध , सुन रहे थे.... अंत में बस इतना ही कह सके...” आपका जीतना ज़रूरी है, इंसानियत के लिए.. “... इनके हौसले के सामने हर थकावट, हर पराजय छोटी है.. सलाम.

Translated in English

"When 72year old Jagdish Kaur was narrating me this story I(Manish Sisodiya) thought she may weep, but it seems like her tears have dried after she has been ever fighting for justice since the 1984 riots. This is what Jagdish Kaur said "These people are all snakes, they will sell the entire nation,they won't leave anyone. I am not scared of death,I may have to go to any court on earth but I won't give up. My husband and my young sons were murdered in front of me. My father was a freedom fighter, we supported Congress. When this people started killing my husband I told them Indira Gandhi was our leader as well. We are sad about her death. But they didn't hear at all. My husband was killed, when my elder son tried to flee, they burnt him alive in front of me, they didn't even let me save him. I hid the kid in our neighbour Panditji's house and ran to the Police station. The Officer said "More People are going to die". When I came back people gathered to kill Panditji because he had given shelter to us, from there we ran back to our home.  I hid the kids in the terrace, I spent the entire night sitting in front of my husband's body or my son's body. Next day I went to the police station, there was planning going on there, the officer was telling the rioters "You go there first create ruckus , we will go there later". I ran away from there. I saw a police car, I ran towards it . I asked them to save us , now many are dead. At that time a crowd gathered there, Sajjan Kumar came from behind, he picked up the mike from the police jeep and started shouting "Not a single Sikh should survive".  Then he sat in that jeep and went away with the police.  I ran towards our home at home there were two dead bodies and two kids. I kept crying . Out side my home my brother and his sons were also burnt alive. When I reached there the police officer was asking the rioters "How many chickens did you cook today?" For two days I kept running here and there but there was no one who would say , "we will save your kids". For the entire night one can hear the sound of bullets. On the third day our neighbour Tyagiji came. In a scared state of mind I broke the our sofa. Whatever little furniture was left I broke them and made the funeral pyre of my husband and kids. I did the funeral of the dead bodies that were rotting for two days in my home ,in the house itself. I am saying that I have seen all this and court is saying that there is no proof. I will not spare them, no matter which court on earth I have to go".

I(Manish Sisodiya) and Arvind(Arvind Kejriwal) were stunned. At the end we were just able to say "Your victory is important for humanity". Looking at her spirit , we fell all fatigue every defeat is too small. 

We salute the spirit of the brave woman. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Salute to the Selfless AAP Volunteers

The success of AAM AADMI PARTY within 2 years of its inception as a political party is due to the hard work of thousands of volunteers. The IAC movement brought together millions of people across India, all of them were unanimously demanding a strong Janlokpal Bill to be passed that would check corruption in the country. The benefits of growth has not reached the masses owing to corruption.

After a string of hunger strikes it was felt that in order to achieve the target it was imperative for the anti-corruption activists to go to the parliament themselves. So on 26th  November 2012, the Aam Aadmi Party was born. IAC has most volunteers from the state of Delhi, so AAP decided to start with Delhi. Arvind Kejriwal exposed the various wrongdoings of the then Delhi Government and also the centre and other state governments through a series of press conferences. 

Other political parties generate funds through dubious means, but AAP decided to give account of each and every rupee that was donated by the people. In India no political party has to declare any donation that's below Rs 20,000. So a series of bogus donations of amounts less than Rs 20,000 are made to the political parties, most of this money is black money.

AAP had a fraction of the amount of money that other political parties had, but what it did have was a battery of selfless volunteers who went door to door campaigning for the party , made calls after calls to the people of Delhi and wrote wall posts , blogs and campaigned for AAP online. They were not paid a single penny for their efforts. Most of the time they themselves spent money from their own pocket to campaign for AAP. 

During the Delhi elections campaign it was common to see the sight of  youngsters standing on the road holding a banner of AAP besides giant cut outs and posters of BJP and Congress which cost a few lakhs.While BJP had pockets deep enough to give page length advertisements on all major newspapers published in Delhi, even on election day , against the rules. It was the clean intent of the AAP candidates and the immense selflessness and passion of AAP volunteers from across the nation that saw AAP sweeping Delhi, getting 67 seats out of 70 seatswith a mere 3 seats going to the BJP.

The selflessness levels of AAP volunteers can be gauged from the fact that many of them left their jobs , took sabbaticals , shut their shops to campaign for AAP. They did it without any self interest , there were people from other parts of the nation who visited Delhi to campaign for AAP. The only thing they had was fire in their belly and a deep love for their motherland whom they wanted to free from the devil of corruption. 

Thinking about the sacrifices that AAP volunteers had made in run up to the Delhi elections at times brings tears to the eyes. Some of them were even beaten up and booked under false cases by the police that is under the central BJP government , but at the end of the day the passion of the volunteers won. This unselfish passion will change the nation.

Hat's off to all the AAP volunteers.