Random Facts
- Prostitution is considered to be the oldest profession of mankind. However the sources for this information is unknown, definitely the first requirement of humans is food and how do you get food?By hunting or agriculture. So hunting and agriculture definitely existed much before prostitution. Again another way of gathering food back then was simply plucking fruits and vegetables from trees and plants which occurred naturally.
- Before the existence of money in form of coins, the way in which trade was done was through barter. Two individuals exchanged say one unit of meat for five units of rice. Money was created for convenience of people, for example it is not possible to carry tonnes of rice to the market to buy some clothes. So they would sell their produce to the government and in return they got money in terms of coins out of which they would avail other products and services.
- In India, the Hindus worship god reciting mantras from books written thousands of years ago. Now those mantras are in Sanskrit and hardly anyone knows the meanings of the words except the purohit. No one ever bothered to change the language of the mantras to current language. Most people perform pujas because they believe the it would bring them good luck and god would be happy by that. Isn't this questionable, how repeating few words in front of an image or an idol can connect one to the almighty again that too in a language that one does not understand.
- In the caste system that existed in India, the bramhins were considered the highest cast. They held the right to knowledge. They made the rules which society were supposed to follow, while initially anyone could have become a Bramhin the system got rotten with time and later on only those were born in a bramhin family were considered bramhins no matter how dumb the person was. This led to people from lower castes being discriminated and they were being looked down upon. Naturally the people from lower castes developed lower self esteem and this was the real begining of the downfall of India.
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