A few days ago the Delhi government took a decision that in case of an unannounced power outage the power companies have to compensate the users paying Rs 50 per consumer per hour for the first two hours and after that the fine is Rs 100 per hour. For the first time in the history of country any government has taken a decision to fine power companies and pay the fine directly to the consumers who are affected.
It was suspected that the power companies who's audit is being done by the CAG ,in their frustration would harass the Delhi consumers by creating power outages. The power companies were so scared of a CAG audit that they went to court stop the audit. But they were not successful.
The Delhi Government's direct tax collection has increased by 38% this year, this is far more than what is currently being given as subsidy in terms of water and power to the consumers. The small businesses have benefited from the fact that the raid raj has come to an end. Earlier they were forced to pay bribes to officers who raided their shops and businesses. The bribes used to cost much more than their tax outgo.
The proof of AAP government doing excellent work is that the centre had to use the services of Lieutanant Governer of Delhi to try and stop every good work that AAP is doing. This is a counter productive move that will destroy the image of BJP government at the center and make Kejriwal a hero.
The Center is scared of AAP government in Delhi. They are scared that if other states follow the example of Delhi, then the BJP government in those states would disappear without any trace.
The paid media might have helped the BJP to come to power. But the people of the country who are now facing the hard times given by the the central government will no longer be fooled by the media. The hardships faced by the people will make them realize the truth.
It was suspected that the power companies who's audit is being done by the CAG ,in their frustration would harass the Delhi consumers by creating power outages. The power companies were so scared of a CAG audit that they went to court stop the audit. But they were not successful.
The Delhi Government's direct tax collection has increased by 38% this year, this is far more than what is currently being given as subsidy in terms of water and power to the consumers. The small businesses have benefited from the fact that the raid raj has come to an end. Earlier they were forced to pay bribes to officers who raided their shops and businesses. The bribes used to cost much more than their tax outgo.
The proof of AAP government doing excellent work is that the centre had to use the services of Lieutanant Governer of Delhi to try and stop every good work that AAP is doing. This is a counter productive move that will destroy the image of BJP government at the center and make Kejriwal a hero.
The Center is scared of AAP government in Delhi. They are scared that if other states follow the example of Delhi, then the BJP government in those states would disappear without any trace.
The paid media might have helped the BJP to come to power. But the people of the country who are now facing the hard times given by the the central government will no longer be fooled by the media. The hardships faced by the people will make them realize the truth.
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