Monday, June 22, 2015

Education Loan by AAP Government vs Crony Corporate doles of Central Government

The AAP government in Delhi has taken an excellent decision  that students of Delhi who pass out class 12 and get admission in a collage can avail a loan of up to Rs 10 lakh without any collateral , Delhi Government will act as the guarantor. After passing out of collage and after getting a job the student can payback the loan in 10 to 15 years. This would be particularly helpful to the students who are from economically weaker backgrounds.

There are many intelligent and bright students who are not able to pursue higher education for want of money. This move of the Delhi government will ensure that if the student has the potential then he/she can study the subject of his/her choice. Even a poor man's son or daughter can now become a doctor, scientist or engineer if he is meritorious enough. 

The central government is happy giving soft loans to neighbouring countries and subsidies to crony corporates. However the Delhi Government has taken a pro people decision that would benefit the people , in this case youngsters. 

This is what we want a pro people government than a pro crony corporate government. This also shows the difference between the Kejriwal government and Modi government. Kejriwal fought the election on white money given by Indians . While Modi fought elections with money whose sources are unknown, he spent thousands of crores in his election campaigns. 

Now he is paying back the people who provided him this thousands of crores by giving the subsidies, soft loans etc to a certain section of the corporate world. People who can be tagged as crony corporates . 

People who still expect the proverbial acche din as promised by the Modi Government will be left in lurch. It must now be clear that everyone who voted for Modi is a a fool, who has been looted shamelessly by this government. 

Anyone who has voted for Modi or BJP , even those who have voted for Congress , have done a great disservice to the nation. In Lok Sabha elections you had the opportunity to vote for AAP but you didn't , now it is time for you to face the music. 

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