Sunday, September 4, 2016

Reducing rabies deaths and saving money

 Every year in India 20,000 people die because of rabies caused by the bites of road dogs. There are around 30 to 40 million road dogs across India. Now if these road dogs are caught and used as a source of food for the carnivorous animals in the various zoos of the country, not only we will save money on buying meat but also effectively reduce and contain the number of street dogs.

Lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards, crocodiles have to be fed meat anyway. For that either a goat, buffalo or chicken has to be slaughtered. The meat is also expensive however with street dogs we are going to get the meat for absolutely no cost at all, at the same time we will successfully reduce the number of deaths caused by rabies.

So we effectively kill two birds with the same stone. Save lots of money that would have otherwise be spent on buying meat for animals and save the people of this country from rabies.