Friday, October 24, 2014

Crackers, Diwali and Black Money

First of all I wish all readers of this blog a very happy and extremely prosperous diwali. Diwali as we know is a festival of lights the mythological reason for celebrating Diwali they say is that it is the same day when Lord Ram came back to Ayodhya from Lanka after defeating Ravan on the mythical Pushpak Vimana. This day was celebrated by all the residents of ayodhya by lighting lots of clay lamps ( maybe as guiding light to Pushpak to where it should land). While this is from Ramayana and we don't know for sure whether it indeed happened or not but Diwali has been celebrated with great joy by people across India.

        But in time from being festival of lights it has now become festival of crackers. Especially crackers that produce lots of sound . Chemicals like sulphur , phosphorous , aluminium, cadmium, copper etc are used in the making diwali crackers. When the crackers are burnt they release harmful gases and suspended particulate matter into the atmosphere which can lead to acute health problems. Just today a news report stated that the pollution levels in Delhi (which already has high pollution in normal days) is found to be five times higher the day after Diwali. The news reports this morning showed that the streets were filled with waste of crackers.

       Now where are this fireworks manufactured and who manufactures them. Most of the crackers are manufactured in Sivakasi and of course there are small and big manufacturers everywhere in the country and we have seen in news reports that most of the crackers are being made by children who are below the age of 14 years . This means that the fireworks industry employs child labour who with their bare little hands fill up the crackers with poisonous chemicals. The conditions in which they work are extremely harmful their skin is exposed to to the harmful chemicals mentioned above. In a firework factory where large amounts of such chemicals are used the surrounding atmosphere is bound to be highly and harmfully polluted. Imagine those little lungs being exposed to this poisonous chemicals. When it comes to pay they are given a pittance and are made to work 12 hours a day. You will find more information about it in this link 

When you buy and use crackers you actually steal the childhood of kid . If the money we spend on crackers is spent of the education of this kids the nation would change.

        Now what is the size of the firework industry in the country. People burn crackers depending upon their financial status there are one who spend crores and lakhs of rupees for just one night of Diwali fireworks. Even the poor people spend hundreds of rupees after fireworks so even by the most conservative estimates the average amount of money spent per individual on fireworks is at least ,at least Rs 100. So in a country of 125 crore people at the very least Rs 12,500cr was spent after crackers the actual figure maybe much more maybe 50,000 or 60,000 cr rupees . If this amount of money was spent on the underprivileged kids education like the ones who are working in the fireworks factories millions of kids would have benefited. The air and noise pollution won't have been there and Diwali indeed would had been a real festival of happiness and light. 

     So next diwali upwards I request every reader to say a big NO to crackers. 

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